
Test_Lab: Tools for Propaganda

2.24.2010 | 0 Comments

From The increased accessibility and affordability of contemporary media technologies has greatly expanded possibilities for the dissemination of independent and grassroots information. At the same time, these developments have also greatly increased the opportunities for (mis)use of media technologies as powerful and effective tools for political and commercial propaganda. Although many theorists, artists, and […]


Seppukoo @ FLEXI Libreria-cafè (Angel_F Party)

2.23.2010 | 0 Comments

(Free Entrance) Watch the video here! Il 5 marzo a Roma a partire dalle 18.30 presso i locali del FLEXI libreria-cafè, Via Clementina 9 (rione Monti) AOS (Art is Open Source) in collaborazione con FHF Italia e ass. The Hub Roma Presenta “Angel_F. Diario di un Intelligenza Artificiale” (Castelvecchi 2009) di Salvatore Iaconesi (xDxD.vs.xDxD) e Oriana Persico […]


Whole Earth Catalogue

1.25.2010 | 0 Comments

Video selection for the series “Playlist”, Neoncampobase, Bologna (Italy) Opening: January 27, 2010 Curated by: Domenico Quaranta. Founded by the American writer Stewart Brand in 1968, the Whole Earth Catalogue (WEC) was a catalogue of tools that was regarded as a bible by the counterculture generation – that is, by those who shaped the techno-cultural […]


Interview for Neural magazine#34 Fake’ology

12.16.2009 | 0 Comments

We are present with an interview in the new issue of neural magazine (#34). You can find more info on neural website


Pixxelpoint 2009 | once upon a time in the west

11.25.2009 | 0 Comments

“We keep on talking about “new media”, while in actually fact these media are anything but new. The Net is twenty years old, if we start counting from the advent of the Web, forty if we start from Arpanet. Spacewar!, the first videogame ever, is more or less the same age. Virtual worlds are the […]


Seppukoo preview @ Piemonte SHARE Festival 2009

11.25.2009 | 0 Comments

Les Liens Invisibles will be present at Piemonte SHARE festival with a preview of their forthcoming project


Arte 2.0

6.15.2009 | 0 Comments

Una discussione tra artisti e teorici che hanno riflettuto sull’evoluzione/rivoluzione di internet nel web 2.0, o che si sono serviti della rete come spunto o mezzo per la realizzazione delle loro opere. Questo si propone il convegno Arte 2.0, organizzato a Genova dal Museo d’arte contemporanea di Villa Croce. Un focus su un fenomeno che […]


Getting too close to art: An email conversation between Les Liens Invisibles and Luis Silva

5.19.2009 | 0 Comments

You can read it here.


Supporting Anna Adamolo

12.12.2008 | 0 Comments

The imaginary art group Les Liens Invisibles supports the virtual heroine Anna Adamolo against the so called reform Gelmini, a law that seriously cuts down on public funding of education. Watch the video hijacking @ Go to Anna Adamolo’s Blog @ (Italian only) Have a look to the hijacked Department for Education and […]


3 readymade paths to God

12.02.2008 | 0 Comments

Wandering around the geolocated matrix and looking always for the same directions, sometimes it happens to get lost and to wonder if there’s any way out of here. Inquiring one of the most popular web mapping service, the imaginary art group Les Liens Invisibles found three spiritual pilgrimage routes ready to be shared, printed, and […]



11.26.2008 | 1 Comment

This year’s edition of the festival focus on the theme “FOR GOD’S SAKE! How the media change the way we imagine / represent / honour / curse the divinity”, suggested by the Italian art critic, teacher and curator Domenico Quaranta. In his words, “contemporary artistic projects have often raised such issues as technological fetishism, the […]


Untitled Imaginary Intervention

8.28.2008 | 0 Comments

Les Liens Invisibles has recently participated with a fake-based “imaginary intervention” to the italian Exhibition “Luoghi dell’Utopia” curated by BAU art organization: eleven big reproduction of the most representative (italian and international) art magazines gave the illusion of the presence of the artwork in the show with a sarcastic collage of hyper-intellectual articles. @ WebCrash JODI happening

6.08.2008 | 0 Comments

Go to Web Crash website


Peking 2008

6.01.2008 | 0 Comments

While the olympic curtain softly falls on the chinese repression in Tibet, the imaginary art-group Les Liens Invisibles celebrates the upcoming Olympic Games with a new fake-based hybridation between art, activism and advertising strategies. Exploiting the global visibility of the Olympic Brand, the ambiguous domain is used by Les Liens Invisibles as a powerful […]


FIAF @ AntiSocial NotWorking

6.01.2008 | 0 Comments

A Fake is a Fake project partecipates to the interesting project “AntiSocial NotWorking” a repository of projects curated by Geoff Cox that give a critical view of online social platforms.


Luca Volonté sotto sequestro!

7.11.2007 | 0 Comments

Ora pure un gioco su internet, furbescamente diabolico, sulla difesa dei preti pedofili. Una furbata tanto ridicola e specchiata, con la quale nascondere l’anticattolicità e l’offesa più falsa e ripugnante. In cui si mischia la brama pedofila e la cristofobia, sulla quale è obbligatoria non solo la censura ma pure la ricerca e fino in […]


Liberté, Egalité, Volonté. The Blasphemous Art Riot

7.04.2007 | 0 Comments

This strike takes the move against the decision taken after a point of order in the Italian Parliament promoted by Luca Volontè, leader of the Catholic parliamentary group, to shutdown the site of the collective Molleindustria. The object of the contest was a game (“Operation: Pedopriest”) made to denounce the connivance of the higher positions […]


Obscure Links

6.04.2007 | 0 Comments

After several episodes of intollerance and violence in the italian country town Lucca ascribed to young neofascists living in the zone, the canditate major of the coalition between centre and right-wing parties Mauro Favilla was going to win the second ballot with the not repudiated votes of the extreme right-wing party “Forza Nuova”. To remark […]